Friday, July 6, 2007

Just checking in. But can't add a stupid title.

Mystery stole 3 is moving along. I have done half of clue 2. I was making myself finish plying my lace weight 1st. I know I am treating myself like a 5 year old.

Speaking of being 5... I just spent the week off of work repainting a hallway and bedroom full of hand prints, chocolate milk that had reached the celling and who knows what drawings. I think there were actual foot prints on our bedroom wall. I am hoping now that the youngest is 5 the drawing on the walls will stop.

My 9 year old showed gave me a big laugh this week. We have an eye toy for the playstation. It allows you to play games using your movements and can record small pieces of video. We here a scream of the 5yold. He is quite shriekish and loud. My husband goes to investigate and the older is standing in front of the TV saying that he did not hit his brother. The eye toy recorded all. Back to the video playing in a loop of the offense he just keeps denying it. Only 7 weeks till school starts.